

Arfinnsson, Brynjar is a Senior research scientist, FFI. He has a M.Sc. in Physics, University of Oslo.

Climate friendly fuels and energy sources for the Norwegian Armed Forces – challenges and opportunities.

At the conference he will talk about long term defence planning.

Berg, Per Øivind is Major and Commanding Officer Supply section RLL-East in the Norwegian Armed Forces. He holds a degree in Military science and technology and logistics engineering.

Berg is a former Norwegian liaison officer to NATO Support & Procurement Agency (NSPA).

At ECDE he will talk about NSPA acquisition strategy with focus on sustainability.

Berlijn, Sonja is a Professor in sustainable integrated energy systems at KTH Royal Institute of Technology and Senior Principal Consultant at DNV.

Berlijn hold an PhD from Technical University Graz.

Bommen, Kerry Marie is Director sustainability at Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace. She holds a MBA specializing in Leadership & Sustainability from University of Cumbria, UK.

Bommen has over 15 years of experience from the oil and gas industry in R&D Program Management and Strategy.

At the conference she will talk about Vanguard – linking technology, innovation and sustainability for future naval solutions.

Casserly, Colm is Senior Fluvial Geomorphologist at cbec Europe, and Adjunct Research Fellow at the School of Geography, University College Dublin. He has a PhD in Fluvial Geomorphology, University College Dublin.

Specialising in fluvial processes, Casserly’s area of expertise centres on the geomorphic impact that in-stream infrastructure has on rivers and their capacity to disrupt sediment connectivity.

At the ECDE Casserly will speak about the sustainable management of river and floodplain environments, adopting a nature-based approach for multiple benefit.

Etzold, Tobias is Senior Research Fellow at the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI). He holds a PhD in Political Science/European Studies from Manchester Metropolitan University/UK and n MA in Political Science, Radboud University Nijmegen/NL.

Etzold is currently working on a project about on the implications of climate change on security and military operations in the Arctic.

At ECDE he will talk about Climate Change in the Arctic: Security Implications and Consequences for Military Operations. Climate change is opening the Arctic up to competition at a pace that challenges existing governance structures and national military capabilities and reveals capability gaps. Military multinational operations in the Arctic are increasing in number, but at the same time they are becoming more difficult, increasing the need for stronger situational awareness, operational capability, governance/coordination and policy changes. 

Ferreira, Carlos is a Researcher at ADAI (Association for the Development of Industrial Aerodynamics). He has an Master in Environmental Engineering and a PhD in Mechanical engineering with a specialisation in Industrial Ecology – both from the University of Coimbra, Portugal.

Ferreira’s research has been focused on environmental issues of defence systems, mainly the quantification of the environmental impacts of munitions during its whole life-cycle. His research has also focused on a critical appraisal of the REACH regulation and its implications to the defence sector.

Carlos has participated in various NATO-AVT programs and EDA projects about the environmental concerns of munitions, principally the assessment of the impacts of training activities on environment and human health.

Fossem, Julie is a Senior Staff Officer in the Department of Defence Policy and Long Term Planning in the Norwegian  Ministry of Defense.

At the conference she will talk about how the new Norwegian long-term plan address climate changes.

Gibon, Caroline is Director of ESG strategy and intelligence at Thales since January 2023. Beforehand, she was a civil sector working in the transport sector.

She has been in charge of the economic regulation of airports in France for 4 years and has been in charge of sustainable development of the aviation sector for the French administration. There, she worked with the industry an local authorities on noise issues and to build a national decarbonisation roadmap. She also lead the Regional trains services competition in the South of France in 2020-2021.

Grandville, Nicolas de La is the Ambassador, Head of the European Union Delegation to Norway, since 2021. He has served as a French Diplomat from 1987 until 2010, in charge of European and security affairs and protocol.

From September 2010 until 2021 Nicolas was the Director, Chief of Protocol of the European Commission. In this role, he is dedicated to the development of the traditional excellent relations between Norway and the European Union, based on shared values and principles, particularly in these challenging times.

He holds a Bachelor and Master Degree in
International and European Law and is a former student at the École Nationale d’Administration.

Hadjisavvas, Constantinos Project Officer Energy – Project Manager, EU-funded Projects. He has a PhD in Political Science (focusing on EU’s defence and security) from the University of Cyprus and a MA in International Conflict Analysis from the King’s College London.

Dr. Hadjisavvas works at the European Defence Agency (EDA) as a Project Officer for Energy, directing EU-funded programmes like the Energy Defence Consultation Forum—Europe’s largest defence energy community —and the Symbiosis project designed to foster co-existence between defence activities and offshore renewable energy installations. He also serves as the Chair of the CF SEDSS and Symbiosis communities and as Co-Chair of the EU Climate Change and Defence Network alongside a representative from the European External Action Service (EEAS).

His topic at the conference is Climate change and security: Strategic governance initiatives”. He will also talk about EDA’s Drive for Defence Energy Resilience in a Climate-Neutral European Union”.

Hagen, Dagmar is a Senior Research Scientist at the Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA). She holds a PhD in restoration ecology from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in addition to a MSc and a MPA from NTNU.

Hagen has more than 20 years of experience with cross-disciplinary research and the interface between science and local knowledge in nature management, and ecosystem restoration. She was lead ecologist and advisor for the Norwegian Defence Estate Agency in the restoration of 165km2 Hjerkinn military training area into National Park (2003-2021).

At ECDE Hagen will speak about ecosystem restoration to improve degraded ecosystems and mitigate climate change with an from the large-scale restoration of a military training area into national park in Norway.

Heude, Marc has been working as Ecodesign manager in Thales’ Corporate Engineering department for 7 years.
Since 1998 he held positions as Ecodesign manager and technical manager for several electronics companies. He also chaired Task Forces dedicated to Ecodesign and WEEE treatment in French and European trade associations (FIEEC, APPLiA, Orgalim). He is now part of ASD organisation acting in this field.
The presentation displays Guiding principles on how to best and most efficiently conduct ecodesign within the defence sector. These guiding principles have been worked upon collectively by ASD European defence companies. The presentation will provide an illustration of their concrete application for MoDs and industrial companies.

Holmberg, Ingela Bolin is a chemical engineer by training, Ingela Bolin Holmberg is a fuel, lubricant and environmental product manager with the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration (FMV), which is a governmental agency under the Swedish Ministry of Defence.

She works as a product manager/expert and is responsible for setting the requirements/quality for fuels and lubricants for the Swedish Armed Forces.

Holmbergs topic on the conference is Adaptation and Mitigation of Climate Change. Her presentation will provide insights into how the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration (FMV) work to mitigate the climate impact from defence equipment.

Johannessen, Odin is Director of the Norwegian Business and Industry Security Council. He holds a Master’s degree in strategy and leadership from the US Army War College, and graduated from Chefsprogrammet/Försvarshögskolan Stockholm.

He har previous experience as Norwegian Army Chief, Director Operations/Defence Staff, leading positions in the Army, Defence Staff and Ministry of Defence.

At ECDE he will talk about wars in Europe, Middle East, Africa and the geopolitical rivalry between China and the USA. How do we deal with climate, perhaps the most significant, and irreversible threat to our societies? 

Kajander, Sara is Director, Real Estate and Environment Unit, Ministry of Defence, Finland. She holds a MSs Geology, University of Helsinki.

Kajander has 20 years of experience of working with defence environmental issues, previously with the Defence Properties Finland and since 2019 with the Ministry of Defence.

Kanerva, Timo is Sustainability Director, Senate Group. He holds a MSc in Pulp and paper engineering.

Adaptation to climate change is one of the challenges property owners have to address in the future. A study, findings and action plan for adaptation measures of Senate Group, the governmental property owner in Finland

Kammerer, Ann Marie is Chief, Nuclear Power Branch, Office of the Chief of Engineers, U.S. Department of the Army Headquarters. She holds a PhD in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering from University of California, Berkeley.

Dr. Kammerer’s work focuses on nuclear microreactor development for defence purposes, including expeditionary transportable reactors.

At the conference she will speak about the benefits and opportunities of transportable microreactors and their potential role in mission assurance and carbon reduction. She will also be addressing some of the most-asked questions she gets as the US Army’s nuclear power subject matter expert.

Klerk, Lennard de is the lead author of the “Initiative on GHG accounting of war”.
He hold a Master Degree in Electrical Engineering from the Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands.

The war in Ukraine, following the full-scale invasion by Russia, is the largest armed conflict in Europe since World War II.
Substantial damage to the environment is happening and, for the first time of a conflict, the impact the war has on the climate is recorded. This includes immediate war-related GHG emissions after two years of war as well as long term impacts.

The climate change security nexus is well researched. The reversed causal relation, i.e. how armed conflicts cause climate change is less understood, but an important dimension of the link between climate, environment and defence.

Kristoffersen, Eirik is Chief of Defence Norway. He holds full command over the Norwegian Armed Forces and is the principal military advisor to the Norwegian Government.

General Kristoffersen’s military education includes the Norwegian Military Academy, United States Marine Corps Command and Staff College (2008-2009) and the United States Army War College (2014-2015). 

General Kristoffersen’s career furthermore includes service in the United Nations Interim Forces Lebanon (UNIFIL) as well as several tours in Afghanistan, where he took part in Operation Anaconda and later played a key role in establishing the Norwegian mentorship of Afghan Crisis Response Unit 222.

Kvalvik, Øyvind is the Deputy Director General, Norwegian Defence Material Agency.

Major General Kvalvik holds a Master of Military Science degree and a Master of Strategic Studies degree from US Army War College.Kvalvik has previous experience in procurement and development of military forces from the time as chief of the plans and procurement division in the Norwegian Army staff, as section head of National security policy, as head of Structural development in the Department for Defence Policy and Long Term Planning, Royal Norwegian Ministry of Defence, and then as chief of Land Systems Division.

At ECDE Kvalvik will speak about integrating climate and environment in defence acquisition and procurement, including framework and accomplishments.

Lopez, Miguel is a Senior Consultant at the A&D practice of Roland Berger, where he works on sustainability projects.

Lopez holds a MSc from the Technical University of Madrid in Aerospace Engineering and PhD from the Beijing Institute of Technology. He specialised in materials and processes for aerospace and defence. He has co-written the study Defence Zero, a two-year effort to understand the main drivers of the emissions from the Defence sector and develop a bottom-up model to estimate them.

At ECDE he will talk about modelling approach for defence sector emissions and future evolution of defence emissions.

Melheim, Anders is the Director General of the Investment Department in the Ministry of Defence. In this capacity, he is responsible for acquisition and sustainment activities throughout the life-cycle of defence acquisitions, including the overall responsibility for managing Norwegian military materiel and defence real estate.

Melheim’s appointment to his current position in February 2019 follows a distinguished career spanning three decades of service in various organizations within the Norwegian defence sector.

Molstad, Tor Henning is Head of Business Development, marketing & sales of Nordic Additive Manufacturing AS.

He has long experience as CEO in manufacturing enterprise within product development, manufacturing, castings, forging, machining, extruding amongst others, and now since 2015 also additive manufacturing in metals.

At ECDE he will talk about additive manufacturing in metals (metal printing); sustainability through repair vs replace. Practical examples and use cases.  

Niefanger, Roland is a Senior Expert Protection Technology at Rheinmetall Waepon Amunition GmbH. He has a Degree in Mechanical Engineering (Dipl.-Ing.) and PhD in Mechanical Engineering with subject Materials Science (Dr.-Ing.), both at Technical University Hamburg. Niefanger is a Senior Expert in Protection Technology with 27 years work experience.

Niefanger is a Non-Governmental Expert in EDA Materials CapTech, and a member of EDA IF CEED Project Circles, witch include reseach Critical Raw Materials, Circular Additive Manufacturing Circular Materials for Textiles. He is also running the EDA-Project: Defence digital product passport for Body Armour Components (IOTA2) – consortium member.

His topic on the conference includes Recycling/Re-Use/Recovery of High Value Fibres from Soldier Personal Protective Equipment and Circularity of titanium using recycled source materials for Additive Manufacturing.

Pedersen, Marius is a researcher at the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment. He holds a MA in International Security from Sciences Po Paris.

Pedersen is part of a climate and security project at FFI; NATO STO project on climate and security, coordinating the sub-group focusing on the Arctic.

At the ECDE Pedersen will speak about the impact of climate change on national and international security in the Arctic region. This will be connected to the future operational environment of military operations and exercises. 

Presterud, Ane Ofstad is the Research Manager for the research program Investment and logistics analysis. She has a degree in social economics from the University of Oslo and has worked at FFI since 2010.

She has also worked as a senior advisor in FLO’s strategy department. At FFI, Presterud has, among other things, researched investment management, streamlining and personnel and expertise.

Her topic on the conference is how sustainability can be considered in defence projects. She will precent empirical findings from projects in the Norwegian defence sector.

RottinkJeroen has a Master of Science in Chemical Engineering at Technical University Delft, Delft (NLD). Jeroen leads the “Safety & Environmental Protection Centre of Excellence” at the Material and IT Command of the NLD MoD. Currently he also chairs the NATO EP Working Group.

Environmental Protection practices are gaining ever more importance in view of supporting mitigation and prevention of problems arising from the current worldwide situation related to geopolitics, Climate Change & Security and Energy Security. The NATO EPWG is a forum for NATO and Partners where NATO EP Standards are developed and military EP best practices are exchanged.

At the ECDE, Jeroen will inform you about “NATO EP governance and relations to Energy Security and to Climate Change and Security”.

Rushton, Paul is team lead for Climate Change and Security in NATO’s Innovation, Hybrid and Cyber (IHC) Division. Before joining IHC, he was NATO’s team leader for Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Defence policy, and First Secretary for arms control and nuclear planning at the Joint Delegation of Canada to NATO.

He has previously served in various capacities related to international security policy, crisis management, and environmental security with Global Affairs Canada. Before joining GAC, he worked with the UN and diverse NGOs on environment, climate change and food security in fragile and conflict-affected contexts, including Darfur, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Myanmar and Nepal.

He holds an MSc in Sustainable Development from the University of London, an MA in International Peace and Conflict Studies from the UN University for Peace in Costa Rica, and a BA in Political Science and Economic from Simon Fraser University in Canada.

Schjølset, Stig is the acting general manager at ZERO, Zero Emission Resource Organisation, and was previously ZERO’s head of department.

Schjølset came from a position as subject director for green competitiveness in the Norwegian Ministry of Climate and the Environment. Here he has also led the work on the government’s action plan for green shipping. He was previously head of analysis of the carbon market and climate in Thomson Reuters Point Carbon. Stig has a master’s degree in political science from the University of Oslo.

Schwander, Mathieu is part of the EDA (European Defence Agency) team managing the Incubation Forum for Circular Economy in European Defence (IF CEED). This initiative addresses technological and organisational aspects to foster circularity in defence with respective focus areas on green procurement, ecodesign and circular data.

Mathieu Schwander has hands-on experience of circular economy in the fields of mobility and composite materials via his involvement in collaborative research and innovation projects, as well as in regulatory activities.

At the conference he will present IF CEED activities on green procurement, highlighting the need for a holistic approach to circularity and linking procurement with ecodesign. The talk will also address potential tools – such as digital product passports – to support green approaches in public procurement.

Šipec, Robert is Energy Efficiency and Green Transition Head. He holds a Master’s degree from the U.S. Air Command and Staff College.

During his career he has headed the Logistics Division in the SAF Force Command, the Armament Division and the Logistics Division in the SAF General Staff, the Armament Division of the Directorate of Logistics and acted as Deputy National Armament Director. Since 1994, he has been involved in the development and equipping programs of the SAF, where he has led numerous acquisition projects.

He has acted as a national expert to the CapTech Ground of the EDA. He is currently appointed as a national expert to the Energy and Environment CapTech of EDA and Vice-Chair of the Slovenian Partnership for Energy and Environment in Defence Sector (SiEnE).

Skoge, Arild is the Manager of Marketing & Business Development at Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace. He has a degree from the Royal Norwegian Naval Academy and Norwegian Defence Command and Staff College.

His previous experience includes: Commanding Officer Norwegian fast patrol boats, Commanding Norwegian Frigate Training Centre, Chief of Staff Standing NATO Maritime Group 1, Commanding Officer of AEGIS frigate HNoMS Thor Heyerdahl.

At ECDE he will speak about Vanguard – linking technology, innovation and sustainability for future naval solutions.

Teien, Kristin Thorsrud is Department Director in CICERO. She holds a Master of Science in terrestrial ecology from NTNU and NMBU.

Teien has previously worked as a Research Director at NINA Oslo. This large and interdisciplinary research department worked with research in topics such as nature and climate, terrestrial and aquatic ecosystem research, geodata, ecosystem accounting, and environmental and land policy and management. She also worked for almost ten years in the Norwegian Ministry of Climate and Environment, several years as a department director at various sections and with different areas of responsibility, but with emphasis on biodiversity and environment and climate research policy.

Thonon, Bernard holds a degree in mechanical engineering from the INSA-Toulouse and a PhD in mechanical engineering from the University of Nancy. He is currently program manager on energy system and network at CEA-LITEN.
He has coordinated several European research projects on energy technologies.

Since 2022, he has been involved in energy projects for defence applications. He is the scientific coordinator of the INDY project, financed by the European Defence Fund, on energy system for deployable camps.

Deployable military camps are highly dependent on fossil fuel, which not only creates a high environmental footprint but also poses a vulnerability for the armed forces. The growing energy consumption of military equipment and the need to transition towards renewable energy sources in line with the Green Deal are new trends.

Thoresen, Thorbjørn is Director General of Norwegian Defence Estates Agency, (NDEA). He was appointed Director General by King in Council in august 2016 and re-appointed for a second term in 2022.

NDEA is responsible for the development, building, maintenance and operation of all real estate infrastructure for the defence sector through peacetime, crisis, and war. NDEA is the largest public estate agency in Norway.

Thoresen holds a law degree from the University of Oslo (JD/LLM). Previous experience includes executive positions at Oslo Public Transportation Group, Axiti ASA, DnB ASA and the Norwegian Defence Communication and Data Administration. 

Werden, Eira Hognestad von is a national conscript representative in the Norwegian Armed Forces. This includes leading and developing the organization of representatives of the Norwegian conscripts, as well as bringing the conscripts interests and opinions up to central military and political leaders of the armed forces. She is stationed at Akershus Fortress.

Eira will be joining the Future perspectives-session on behalf of the organization of the representatives of the Norwegian conscripts’ resolutions (politics) on climate and environment.

ECDE 2024 Project group

Jørgensen, Torild  is Head of environment at the Norwegian Defence Estates Agency. She has a master’s degree in hydrology, is a mechanical engineer and has practical pedagogical training. She has been working with various environmental issues, within various large organizations for 30 years.  

Jørgensen has chaired the program committee for the ECDE conference. She will chair the session A1: Climate change and security: Strategic governance initiatives. 


Gilmore, Erik is a senior advisor at the Norwegian Defence Materiel Agency (NDMA). He holds a master’s degree in environmental toxicology from the University of Oslo, specializing on genome expression and DNA effects of environmental contaminants in polar bear. Gilmore’s focus at NDMA is on matters related to sustainability, climate, environment, and human factors.

Erik will chair the B2 session Green Solutions: Suppliers Perspective. 

Sparrevik, Magnus is Senior adviser for environment and sustainability at the Norwegian Defence Estates Agency and Adjunct professor at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. He holds a PhD in Environmental Management.

Sparrevik will introduce the topic of energy in a defence context using examples from Norwegian activities.


Lausund, Kristian is a researcher at the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI). He has a PhD in materials science with a focus on nanotechnology and has practical pedagogical training. The main focus of Lausund’s work at FFI has been climate change and security as well as keeping an account of the climate and environmental impact of the Norwegian defence sector.

Lausund will chair session A2: Climate change and security: Impacts and consequences. 


Fagerbekk, Siv is a Sustainability Advisor in the Norwegian Armed Forces. She holds a Master of Arts in cultural studies with further expertise education in sustainable business.  

Siv has worked with various areas within sustainability for the past ten years, from labor, decent work and equality in Plan International to environmental sustainability in Skift, a business driven climate initiative to accelerate the green transition. 


Curle, Catrine is a teamleader for the group working with biodiversity and pollution in the environment department in the Norwegian Defence Estates Agency. She has a master’s degree in biology and practical pedagogical training. She has earlier worked as a biology teacher and has had a long career in public administration of environmental management before attending the defence sector.